Curly Springs
Curly Springs

This week I just hiked a shorter hike up Battle Creek Canyon. It was quite the nice little scenic hike. The hike took me past the Battle Creek waterfall, through some meadows, and to a nice little spring. I woke up early in the morning and was able to capture some beautiful pictures of the fall colors while hiking.


  • Not too long or too steep.
  • It’s especially scenic in the fall. You’ll get to pass Battle Creek Falls on the way to the springs as well.
  • There’s a lot of shade making it a good hike in the summer. It would also make for some great snowshoeing trail in the winter.

You’ll start up the Battle Creek Trail. After the falls the trail will fork twice. The first time there will be a sign that points across the river to the right. Ignore this trail, it’s a connecting trail that would bring you to dry creek canyon. As you continue along the main trail there will be a second fork where a trail branches off slightly to the right and uphill. This is the Curly Springs trail. From here there is less than a mile before you reach the springs.

Oops, I forgot to stop tracking my course after I finished. Most of that course is me driving home, the trail itself is only a few miles long. When I got to the springs I hiked up a dry riverbed until I met back up with the Battle Creek Canyon trail. The actual spring is at the 3.1 mark. (I started tracking data at the Battle Creek Waterfall so it would actually be a 3.7 mile trip to the springs)

Total distance: 13.84 mi
Max elevation: 7644 ft
Total time: 04:02:47

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